dah lama x update blog.. line internet laju je.. tp xde rasa nak update.. huhu...
so td aku scroll scroll kat twitter, nampak la tweet2 ex-schoolmates aku yg rindu nak balik ke MRSM Beseri.. and banyak la tweets yg sweet2 saying Beseri is like the best thing happened is their life..
Ya right.. bagi diorang maybe yes.. tapi bagi aku tak..
i don;t miss Beseri.. antara semua sekolah yg aku pernah pergi, yg aku paling tak rindu Beseri la.. kalau boleh tak ingat pon takpe..
tapi malam ni dah ingat la kan.. gara-gara tweets mereka tu....
why Beseri wasn't one of the best thing in my life??
well, i was kinda a bad kid back then.. nakal2 cara aku je lah.. tak de la jahat sangat sampai ada kes juvana.. hihihi.. biasa, nakal budak2.. tapi komunity beserian masa tu macam tak boleh terima.. so what to do la kan??
aku rasa, masa kat MRSM Gerik pon aku nakal jugak.. tp cikgu, seniors and budak2 batch chill je..
I have a lot of good memories in Beseri though.. and i have a lot of bad memories too.. i feel like, kalau boleh tak nak flash back what happened in Beseri..
I have good friends, a few people do like me, i think.. but more people hate me...
Yea.. i was a bad kid,.. so, no wonder la kalau people hate me kan.. ada aku kisah ke...
tapi ada satu kes org benci aku ni aku macam amik kisah plak.. because they hate me for some reason that i can't understand.. even today, i still don't really understand...
I can accept if they hate me because i was too nakal.. but i heard they hate me because i was gedik..!
what?? Gedik?? OMG!! seriously?? i was quite a boyish kot back then <sekarang pon still boyish kot>.. how come a boyish person be Gedik?? weird..............................
i super duper don't understand those people.. sampai hari ni i cant accept the fact they call me gedik..
I want to live with no regrets, what ever i do.. i've given up on things and people.. i've made some wrong choices.. but i never regret.. somehow, i have few things a regret about Beseri.. i don't really remember what are they.. but i have regrets.. and maybe, that's why i tend to try not to remember things in Beseri..