hai manusia..
sebenarnya sebelum cuti semester dulu, aku berjanji dengan diri sendiri nak baca buku as much as i can and do write some reviews about the books... but i'm having it the other way...
sepanjang sebulan aku baru baca 2 buku.. yang aku ingat la..
Have A Little Faith by Mitch Albom, Mengejar Ajal by Nizam bakeri..
aku rasa aku ada baca lagi 1 buku.. tapi aku tak ingat buku apa..
aku cuba baca Pride n prejudice, original version.. perghhh... bahasa dia classic gila! <dah tu, buku literature, what do you expect??> maka aku baca not even half, and i stopped.. patutla Pinyot wish Goodluck kat aku utk buku tu.. haha
actually, 'Have a Little Faith' kinda the source of the problem..
i started to read in as soon as the exam ended. it takes me almost 2 weeks to finish it!! padahal buku dia tak setebal mana.. It's quite boring i can say.. tak appeal aku utk baca.. and i don't want to start a new book selagi tak habis baca 1 buku.. tapi keingina nak baca mengejar Ajal membuak-buak.. so i keep reading Have a Little Faith sampai habis jugak.. baru start mengejar ajal.. which i finish in 2 days!
lepas baca mengejar ajal, aku makin kagum dgn Nizam Bakeri nih.. tulisan dia unik.the story line, gaya bahasa.. perghhh... aku yang selalu dapat B in BM masa highschool dulu sangat kagum dgn gaya penulisan beliau.. hewhewhew.. harap2 pesta buku tahun ni dapat jumpa beliau...
i read a little bit of the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn jugak.. sikit.. lepas tu tak habiskan..
aku jugak baca Something Borrowed by Emily Giffin.. halfway, i got disturbed, and forgot about it until now..
and now i'm reading Who needs Mr. Darcy? by Jean burnett.. Fan fiction based on Jane Austen's Pride and prejudice..
it's pretty good.. even bahasa dia classic sikit..
selain tu, cita2 aku nak buat review buku ni tak berjaya sbb internet laju nak mati!..less people stays in college.. so internet laju...dah inernet laju, aku tonton variety show la.. apa lagi..
kalau dah menonton tu jangan harap la aku nak baca..
aku perlu fokus... haha
aku akan cuba avoid procrastination.. so taht i'll be successful.. hahaha
Btw, i'm happy with my pointer for the 1st semester.. ^__^