Sunday, May 19, 2013

About Dropping Out...

aku seriusly rasa nak quit dr course aku skg..
bukan setakat course je..
aku rasa nak quit dr universiti...

yeah, kalau aku quit, aku akan officially a dropout.. woohooo <what's there to cheer on??>
well.. a lot of famous, cool people were dropouts.. yet, they're so succesful.. contohnya Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg and Steve jobs.. super rich kan diorang??

-somehow, Kevjumba n Ryan Higa gave me inspiration, lulz
they quit college, make youtube videos, and became awesome and famous..! Ryan Higa pernah pergi Meds school kau tahu?? hurmmm..

aku xde la berangan terlampau nak jadi macam diorang.. tapi mana lah tau kann...

kenapa aku rasa nak quit??
well.. i'm studying engineering.. i no longer have the interest in what i'm doing..
furthermore, the workload and the course itself is a burden to me..
i dun even get good grades in exams... bukan setakat not good, they're horrible..
Plus, i'm so bad at maths.. i sucks at math.. what to do??
engineering requires a math brain man...

other reasons..
if i go back to school,,my engineering class..) i'll be in 3rd year..
which means i'll in my juniors class.. i barely know any of them..
i'm good at making friends.. but, i'm sure they already have their own click..
it might a lil hard for them to accept me..
lagi pun, i dun get a good vibe when i see them.. lulz..
so i'll be an outcast in the class??
yea, i know.. this is such a childish excuse... but this is what i feel..

Kalau aku nak balik Uni jugak.. aku rasa nak tukar course..sebab aku dah dapat new insight sepanjang aku duduk kat rumah...<lulz, kononnye la>
aku nak amik course bahasa..hihi..
tapi kan... nak tukar course pon pointer kena bagus... pointer aku dah la seteruk alam..
layak ke nak tukar course..
Kalau layak la pon, it will cost me time..

aku rasa better aku quit, amik course yg aku suka< dah ada diminda> then amik kelas bahasa yg aku nak je..x payah terikat dgn assignments or any requirements to graduate..

aku rasa mcm nak tanya pendapat kawan2 aku.. tp aku dapat rasa dorang akan menentang.. sbb quit tu satu keputusan yg besar...
it'll be a big change..

tengok poster ni..
there're risks.. 
am I willing to risk it??
it is risk worthy??

Follow your heart... hmmm
Follow your intuition...
am I courageous enough??
no, do i have the courage??

i don't know.. i'm still using my rusted brain, to think..
i can't even think properly right now...


1 comment:

encik kuri said...

hey..out of yr mind!!!!