ye la selama ni aku syok sendiri je kan..hahahahaha
ada je org cakap.. tapi most of the time, perempuan yg cakap..
Oh ya.. ada jugak lelaki yg cakap.. tapi this guy is different.. it's not that i like him or what.. tapi cara dia cakap tu lain..
"kau ni comel la" yeah.. i get that a lot.. or, "hahaha.. comel lah.." i get that when i do something childish and funny.. huhuhu..
tapi yg ni lain.. "jangan buat muka comel boleh tak? tergugat iman aku.."
All i did was saying "hhmmm??" with pipi kembang.. ~dapat tak imagine pipi kembang..?? hahaha...
seriously, takde niat nak buat muka comel.. and i don't think its cute.. haha.. maybe that's what his definition of cute..
Blushing titteww... awwww...
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