it's been awhile..! ^_^
It took me one week to finish The Catcher in the Rye. It had been a pretty hectic week with all the assignments and distractions.
The Catcher in the Rye is a story about a boy, Holden Caulfield who was kicked out of his school. He was expelled from his previous school too.
After reading half of the book i still didn't get the point of the story. It's just about a boy, telling stuffs he did and happened to him after he got kicked out of school.. i keep reading though.
the writing style is very interesting. very descriptive. how the author describe what Holden is thinking is very precise. i can imagine the scenery, the situations Holden is in. it feels like Holden is telling the story to me. :)
aku suka gila penulisan dia dan bahasa yang dia guna. old school.. ye la, the book is published in 1951! what a classic. buku ni ditulis dgn gaya percakapan remaja masa tu la.
Holden punya taglines:
"that killed me"/"she kills me" which means "i found it hilarious /amazing"
"i was depressed as hell"/ "it makes me so depressed".
Holden selalu cakap orang2 yang dia tak suka sebagai "Phony" = hypocrites, bajet bagus, annoying.
aku suka gila Pheobe! adik Holden. she's really funny.. she kills me too.
I think if i meet Pheobe, i might fall in love with her. her relationship with Holden melts my heart.. terharu..
even aku macam tak dapat tangkap sangat apa point buku ni, tapi aku still sangat2 suka.. it's really funny.. tapi ni bukan buku komedi!! somehow it's amusing. i freaking love how Holden describe things..<redundant>: menunjuk kan how i love the descriptiveness of the book>
There's the part when Holden drinks milk, and changes his name to H.V. Caulfield. Holden Vitamin Caulfield.. that killed me. apa yangg lawak entah.. and another part where Pheobe as Holden to feel her forehead, to show that she can raise her body temperature on her own.. LOL! hahaaha
when i was about to finish the book, i saw a video by Ryan Higa about ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). terus aku teringat buku ni..
Aku rasa Holden ada ADHD!!
sebab fikiran dia selalu merewang and tak fokus.
pastu aku rasa kesian kt Holden.. sebab zaman tu, mesti orang tak tau sangat lagi pasal penyakit ni.. mesti parents Holden, n cikgu2 dia rasa dia gila. by the end of the story, there's a part where Holden meet psychoanalyst. :(
~The mark of the immature man is that he wants to die nobly for a cause, while the mark of the mature man is that he wants to live humbly for one. -Wilhem Stekel, psychoanalyst
~ Don't ever tell anybody anything. If you do, you start missing everybody. -Holden Caulfield.
Monday, April 28, 2014
Friday, April 25, 2014
Backpack :Georgetown Penang
18 April 2014, 9 malam. Aku and Q naik bas dari UKM ke Hentian Kajang.. and the adventure begins!
Backpacking trip to Penang.. ni semua pasal Q.. teringin sangat nak pergi Penang. dah tu semua benda serah kat aku, so sebagai backpaker amatur, aku pun buat la segala itinerary bagai. gigih tahu?! first time pergi trip macam ni, stay kat hostel and tak ada contact kat sana.!
It was awesome!
So we took 11.15 pm bus from Hentian Kajang to Hentian Sungai Nibong, Penang. the bus was damn fast. we arrived there in 4 hours! normal journey is about 6 hours by bus.
It was too early to get moving. so we stayed at the bus stop till dawn.
around 8. we go to our hostel in center Georgetown, Clockwise Hostel.
then the craziness starts..
After checking in, we went around in the quest of finding the famous Georgetown street arts.

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Masjid Kapitan Keling, the nearest landmark to our hostel. |

the street arts are awesome! look at the happy faces!
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Selfie, Major fail! |
i'm not a curry fan. buttttttt it does taste good. tengok la muka Q. peminat kari tegar. puas hati katanya..
next, while waiting for the shuttle bus to go to Chowrasta Market (the place i've been wanting to go so much) we played around at St George church.
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Little chapel in front of St George church. |
Kitorang naik Shuttle untuk pergi Chowrasta sebenarnya.. sbb aku rasa mcm nak give up je dari pergi interactive museum sebab aku fikir tempat tu mcm jauh dari laluan kitorg. tetiba aku nampak sign Interactive museum. it was small. kalau tak observant memang tak nampak dan melepas la kau.. memandangkan dah terlepas dr busstop yang kitorang patut turun aku rasa nak give up lagi..
tapi disebabkan jalan jammed. aku cube berbudi bahasa dengan pakcik bas.. "pakcik.. stop kan kitorang kat sini boleh?? tengah2 jalan tu.. aku rasa kitorg je buat kerja mcm tu.. org lain dalam bas tu mesti mcm, 'watdehek budak dua ekor ni??' K.. tu imaginasi aku je..
maka berjaya la kitorg pergi Interactive museum.
Sementara tunggu bas untuk ke Chowrasta Market (again) kitorg jalan2 kat sekitar situ..
lepas tu sampai la ke tempat yang dinanti
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Q dan Lim Guan Eng. Admire betul Q dengan beliau. |
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Q jahat. amik gambar aku tak lawa.. angle salah.. nampak fake! |
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one of the paintings at the museum. |
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view from Church street pier |
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Chowrasta Market! |
~nerd nak mampus.. pergi melancong pun nak pergi kedai buku.. wat dehek??
Alkisah nya mcm ni, i have this chinese friend, who is a Penangite, everytime he got back to Penang he always tell me he got books with cheap price. even the new books! i'm sooo jelly.. He's been doing that for yearsss..
All sorts of book are there old and new. some unique old books are also there. this is AWESOMENESS..
Chowrasta is a market place, where people sell merchandise, foods and stuff.
and of course, the famous Jeruk Madu Pak Ali.. they're everywhere!
Kedai Cendol ni famous gila. even it's just a street stall, tapi almost every bloh yang aku jumpa masa research pasal Georgetown, recommended this place. sekali tengok, nahhhhh ambik kauu.. tengah2 panas tu sanggup kau nak beratur.. aku mampu amik gambar je la..
Netx,, we get back to the hostel.. wash up and get some rest.. rehat kaki sebelum Q grumpy sebab penat.. hikhikhik.
by the time lepas beli2 kat chowrasta tu aku tengok muka Q dah macam apa je.. desperate nak mandi.. hahaha
kau tahu berapa aku bayar untuk 1 night? RM19 including breakfast. yes. murah je..
and of course, the famous Jeruk Madu Pak Ali.. they're everywhere!
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The Famous Teo Chew Chendol. |
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one of the street art next to Chowrasta market building. |
Netx,, we get back to the hostel.. wash up and get some rest.. rehat kaki sebelum Q grumpy sebab penat.. hikhikhik.
by the time lepas beli2 kat chowrasta tu aku tengok muka Q dah macam apa je.. desperate nak mandi.. hahaha
around 5, kitorang keluar, nak pergi Fort Cornwallis, bajet nak sunset kat pantai la.. sekali hujan.. T_T
tapi hati haruslah kental. beeli raincoat bagai.. haha
tunggu la bas dalam hujan.. akibat keluar lambat, dekat pukul 7. sampai kat fort Cornwallis lambat. dah tutup, tak boleh masuk.. T_T
aku rasa kitorang dua je orang pelik kat situ, amik gambar bagai. The only locals yang juga pelancong.. pelancong lain sume omputih.. so kitorang diberi 'that look' oleh certain manusia..=_=
k fine.. ada aku kesah..
lepas dah tengok sunset yang mendung, kitorg pergi makan mee sotong dan coconut shake!! demm nice.. super yummy!
tak sudah dengan mee sotong.. balik dari Fort cornwallis, stop kat Masjid Kapitan Keling, Kedai Nasi Kandar Beratur dah bukak... even hujan macam hape je, Q tetap gigih beratur demi kari nya..
dah balik dari beli nasi kandar beratur, bajet nak rehat je.. tapi aku rasa bosan and masih bertenaga.. entah amende la aku makan hari tu.. energetic betul..
Sembang2 dengan Orest, si tuan hostel yang kitorang stay tu, dia ajak keluar. "i wanna show u some special places here." katanya..
pergi la jalan.. jalan punya jalan sampai 1 Hotel ni.. boleh nampak Gurney Drive, where the elites live.. Orest kata "i don't like that side of Penang, that's where u have to eat your nasi kandar with fork and spoon." ok aku faham..
lepas tu kau agak dia bawak kitorg pergi mana??
Yea, u read it right. cemetery. boleh tahan pelik jugak kepala otak Orest ni. dia kata nak bawak kitorang gi situ siang. tapi dah kitorang jalan sendiri, tak ingat dunia, tak dapek la...
sembang punya sembang, pungpang pungpang, turn out Orest ni dulu AIESECer jugakk.. hihihi
excited la aku..
muka Q dah mcm apa je masa jalan tu.. mengantuk + bosan.. macam Zombie pun ada.. haha
and ni bilik aku n Q, bilik ni kat attic sebenarnya.. tapi luas dia ok je, lagi pun bilik ni utk tidur je.. so memang xde hal sangat la..
Hostel ni tak asingkan lelaki and perempuan, but Orest is being considerate so dia bagi bilik ni kat kitorg.. huhu.. thanks Orest!
This is one of the paintings yang Orest n his friend buat. belum siap lagi. the whole hostel pun belum siap lagi sebenarnya.. kata Orest, official opening is planned to be next year. hohoho
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Hipster habis la, jalan depan Temple pakai raincoat.. muahaha |
aku rasa kitorang dua je orang pelik kat situ, amik gambar bagai. The only locals yang juga pelancong.. pelancong lain sume omputih.. so kitorang diberi 'that look' oleh certain manusia..=_=
k fine.. ada aku kesah..
lepas dah tengok sunset yang mendung, kitorg pergi makan mee sotong dan coconut shake!! demm nice.. super yummy!
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mee sotong fort cornwallis.. |
tak sudah dengan mee sotong.. balik dari Fort cornwallis, stop kat Masjid Kapitan Keling, Kedai Nasi Kandar Beratur dah bukak... even hujan macam hape je, Q tetap gigih beratur demi kari nya..
luckily masa kitorang sampai tu baru buka, so tak ramai orang.. tapi still kena beratur la..
Sembang2 dengan Orest, si tuan hostel yang kitorang stay tu, dia ajak keluar. "i wanna show u some special places here." katanya..
pergi la jalan.. jalan punya jalan sampai 1 Hotel ni.. boleh nampak Gurney Drive, where the elites live.. Orest kata "i don't like that side of Penang, that's where u have to eat your nasi kandar with fork and spoon." ok aku faham..
lepas tu kau agak dia bawak kitorg pergi mana??
Yea, u read it right. cemetery. boleh tahan pelik jugak kepala otak Orest ni. dia kata nak bawak kitorang gi situ siang. tapi dah kitorang jalan sendiri, tak ingat dunia, tak dapek la...
sembang punya sembang, pungpang pungpang, turn out Orest ni dulu AIESECer jugakk.. hihihi
excited la aku..
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ni la Orest! |
nasib la Orest ni tak hensem sangat, kawan dia hensem gila.. tapi sayang, jumpa 2 kali je.. tsk tsk tsk.. si Orest ni mesra alam nak mampus.
so sbb dia ni macam agak awesome, aku kena la promote sikit hostel dia ni..
sila lah google Clockwise Hostel.(click je la)
sebenarnya hostel ni still in construction lagi.. tapiii kemudahan dia bagus!
Double and four bed rooms
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Toilet dia, comel kan?? |
Hostel ni tak asingkan lelaki and perempuan, but Orest is being considerate so dia bagi bilik ni kat kitorg.. huhu.. thanks Orest!
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kenapa ada Q |
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Q sempat lagi layan perasaan kat balcony. |
the whole thing is still under construction.
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muka aku baru bangun! it was Easter morning.! |
selesa and mesra alam.. next time nak pergi Georgetown sila pergi Clockwiese Hotel okay??
<aku dah promote ni, Orest, sila bagi aku hadiah atau free accomodation.>
lepas breakfast, kitorang pun kembali ke reality.. balik KL.... =_=
pergi sehari memang tak cukup la nak explore Penang. yang kitorg pergi tu Georgetown je.. tu pun tak sempat pusing habis..
Next time aku nak pergi lagi! the other part of penang pulak..
kalau kau nak pergi Georgetown, Unesco site boleh check panduan kat sini ^_^
kat Georgetown ada free shuttle untuk pergi semua tempat Unesco heritage site, panduan bus shuttle, Click sini..
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
think and don't judge
i see a lot of people express their sadness or vent out their anger on social media.
well i did it too sometimes..
and i see a lot of people judge them.
and, YES. i did judge them too sometimes, which i'm not proud of it.
who are you to judge them? have you been in the same situation?
have u ever wear their shoes and walk in it?
OK, u might say "they shouldn't vent it out on Twitter, they can always go to friends and family"
what do you know about them?
what if they are not lucky enough like you to have friends and family who will always be there for them?
social media could be their only channel to let their anguish out.
why judge when u can be the one who cast away their pain?
you're not that kind of relationship to do that?
just say something nice. it could be the best thing happened to them that day.
don't make it harder for them, people!
~be strong and don't despair..
don't make it harder for them, people!
~be strong and don't despair..
Monday, April 14, 2014
if's, just bunch of if's
If that day i didn't take her for granted,
if that day i care for her more,
if i stand for her more,
if and only if i love her more,
i'm sure i wouldn't regret it today.
if i spent more time talking to her,
if i apologize to her sooner,
if i don't hurt her much,
if i do the things i didn't, and if i didn't do the things i did,
i'm sure i wouldn't regret it today..
Sunday, April 13, 2014
Dear Anna...
Dear Anna,
If you know what she had been through, and what she's going through that day, you will not say that your life is hard.
you will not feel like giving up.
If you know what she had been through, and what she's going through that day, you will not say that your life is hard.
you will not feel like giving up.
" Being strong is to love someone in silence,
to radiate happiness when we are unhappy,
to forgive someone who does not deserve forgiveness,
to stay calm in moments of despair,
to show joy when we don't feel it,
to smile when u want to cry,
to make someone happy when our own heart is broken,
to be silent when we feel like screaming our anguish,
to comfort when we need to be comforted,
and to have faith when sometimes we no longer believe. "
After a call from home that evening, she had a hard time suppressing her feelings. She feels like crying and she needs a hug, a shoulder or an ear at least..
Anna, on the other hand is saying she had a rough day because of her exams.
despite seeking attention, or showing her sadness, she comforted Anna. while she's crying inside, she cheered Anna up.
She is strong..
<<It was him, he was there when she needed someone. he got her back.
thanks, He rocks!>>
Saturday, April 12, 2014
Backpack : Kuantan
dah lama dah aku gi Pahang ni sebenarnya.. dan dah lama jugak aku nak post pasal trip tu..hewhewhew (gelak ala2 BBNU)
tetiba teringat nak post sebab tetiba aku ter'stalk' Facebook sendiri, and aku nampak post yg aku pegi melawat Ain Nasuha kat UMP Gambang.. maka aku pun merajinkan diri utk post.. hikhikhik (gelak BBNU lg)
Trip ni sangat lah random, Thursday night, i texted ain nasuha, and ask her if she's free that weekend. she said she's going hiking on Sunday.. so apa lagi aku excited, dan tanpa segan silu, aku cakap nak ikut.. leulz.!
and she likes the idea of me joining her.. hihihi
so, the next day terus pergi cari tiket bas ke kuantan..
then on saturday, i took bus from Hentian kajang to Kuantan, but i stopped at UMP Gambang. cakap kat driver bas tu, nak turun kt UMP, n dia akan berhenti kat bustop betul2 depan UMP..
Memandangkan Ain Nasuha ada kereta, so transportation is not a problem. tapi yg aku pelik nya first destination dia bawak aku pegi Kuantan Parade!! God whyyyy??
sebab nak makan... haram, hapa pon tak ada..
then, we went to the famous Teluk Cempedak.. that day, ada pertandingan surfing! i just can't believe my eyes when i saw surfboard kat situ. the waves are not even big! how can they surf??
Teluk Cempedak's view is just.. hmmm.. normal, a beach..
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well, that's ain nasuha. (weird people knows each other) |
The next day is the reason why i'm so eager to go to Kuantan.
Bukit Panorama in Sungai Lembing, around 40km from Kuantan.
it can be reached by RapidKuantan bus.
So we started hiking after Subuh prayer, around 6.am.. tinggi Bukit Panorama 320m dan hiking around 150m, tu pun naik tangga je.. and we took almost 1 hour to reach the peak.!
sebab ikut speed orang yg kurang bersenam, kalau ikut speed aku, aku rasa boleh laju lagi..
so, bila sampai atas dah cerah.. =_=
but the view.....
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breathtaking |
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Picturesque |
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soul soothing.. |
memang rewarding. worth the sweat and breath.. ramai gila photographer yang naik awal pagi untuk amik gambar sunrise.. even masa kitorang sampai tu dah cerah sikit, tapi sempat tengok sunrise.. Cantik~~~~
orang yang tak pandai amik gambar pun boleh jadi pandai.. view dia buat stimulate imaginasi aku.. haha.. aku imagine tempat ni macam Shangri-La, yg dalam legend tu.. hahaha
Ain Nasuha ni ada agenda lain sebenarnya.. konon nak hiking la.. padahal nak celebrate birthday Boyfriend beliau.. cisss..
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the best pose i can do. |
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birthday boy n his gf |
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Group photo! |
turn out, they go to the same Uni n get together.. K...(roll eyes)
Around 8am. kitorang turun dari Bukit Panorama.
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Schoolmates! |
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Bukit Panorama hiking trail |
Around 8am. kitorang turun dari Bukit Panorama.
there's a small pasar tani.. the view at the pasar tani is really sentimental..
Chinese uncles having their morning coffee at coffee shops, and aunties selling goods from their farms. the buildings looked really old. and there's a small museum abot Sungai Lebing's history there. Too bad, pergi dengan orang yg tak minat sejarah, diorang tak nak masuk museum.. =_=
Next destination, Panching Waterfall.!

Damn pretty.. tapi sayangnya air kering sikit.. sebab musim panas.. tapi still cantik n boleh berenang!
that night pergi makan dengan Syuk, another schoolmates who's currently working in Kuantan.. Gaji 3K kot.. tetiba aku rasa dia makin hensem.. hahaha..
lepas dinner, kitorg pergi round bandar Kuantan, buat apa?? Cari kupu-kupu! hahaha
Syaitoonn punya kawan.. tapi ramai jugak bapok2 yg cantik malam tu..lol!
then, pergi Teluk Chempedak lagi.. Teluk Chempedak is alive at night!
lepas dinner, kitorg pergi round bandar Kuantan, buat apa?? Cari kupu-kupu! hahaha
Syaitoonn punya kawan.. tapi ramai jugak bapok2 yg cantik malam tu..lol!
then, pergi Teluk Chempedak lagi.. Teluk Chempedak is alive at night!
banyak youngsters lepak, dating and buang masa kat situ.. ada Busking!
and ada some sort of Uptown, downtown thing la kat situ.. jalan2 tengok2 je...
Ain nasuha cakap, almost every weekend ada fireworks show kat situ..
memang tempat lepak la situ, ada fastfood restaurant and food court. public toilet pun bersih.. so yea.. lepak je la,, bajet remaja kejap.. haha
well, that's a wrap..
it was an exciting trip, new friends, precious memories and experiences..
my story telling skills are gone..aku tak reti nak cerita, tapi trip ni menarik sebenarnya..
Nota kaki: one day aku nak pergi Pahang lagi.. Gunung Tahan maybe?
and ada some sort of Uptown, downtown thing la kat situ.. jalan2 tengok2 je...
Ain nasuha cakap, almost every weekend ada fireworks show kat situ..
memang tempat lepak la situ, ada fastfood restaurant and food court. public toilet pun bersih.. so yea.. lepak je la,, bajet remaja kejap.. haha
it was an exciting trip, new friends, precious memories and experiences..
my story telling skills are gone..aku tak reti nak cerita, tapi trip ni menarik sebenarnya..
Nota kaki: one day aku nak pergi Pahang lagi.. Gunung Tahan maybe?
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