Monday, April 28, 2014

Book Review : The Catcher in the Rye -J.D. Salinger

it's been awhile..! ^_^
It took me one week to finish The Catcher in the Rye. It had been a pretty hectic week with all the assignments and distractions.

The Catcher in the Rye is a story about a boy, Holden Caulfield who was kicked out of his school. He was expelled from his previous school too.
After reading half of the book i still didn't  get the point of the story. It's just about a boy, telling stuffs he did and happened to him after he got kicked out of school.. i keep reading though.

the writing style is very interesting. very descriptive. how the author describe what Holden is thinking is very precise. i can imagine the scenery, the situations Holden is in. it feels like Holden is telling the story to me. :)

aku suka gila penulisan dia dan bahasa yang dia guna. old school.. ye la, the book is published in 1951! what a classic. buku ni ditulis dgn gaya percakapan remaja masa tu la.
Holden punya taglines:
"that killed me"/"she kills me" which means "i found it hilarious /amazing"
"i was depressed as hell"/ "it makes me so depressed".
Holden selalu cakap orang2 yang dia tak suka sebagai "Phony" = hypocrites, bajet bagus, annoying.

aku suka gila Pheobe! adik Holden. she's really funny.. she kills me too.
I think if i meet Pheobe, i might fall in love with her. her relationship with Holden melts my heart.. terharu..

even aku macam tak dapat tangkap sangat apa point buku ni, tapi aku still sangat2 suka.. it's really funny.. tapi ni bukan buku komedi!! somehow it's amusing. i freaking love how Holden describe things..<redundant>: menunjuk kan how i love the descriptiveness of the book>
There's the part when Holden drinks milk, and changes his name to H.V. Caulfield. Holden Vitamin Caulfield..  that killed me. apa yangg lawak entah.. and another part where Pheobe as Holden to feel her forehead, to show that she can raise her body temperature on her own.. LOL! hahaaha

when i was about to finish the book, i saw a video by Ryan Higa about ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). terus aku teringat buku ni..
Aku rasa Holden ada ADHD!!
 sebab fikiran dia selalu merewang and tak fokus.
pastu aku rasa kesian kt Holden.. sebab zaman tu, mesti orang tak tau sangat lagi pasal penyakit ni.. mesti parents Holden, n cikgu2 dia rasa dia gila. by the end of the story, there's a part where Holden meet psychoanalyst. :(

~The mark of the immature man is that he wants to die nobly for a cause, while the mark of the mature man is that he wants to live humbly for one. -Wilhem Stekel, psychoanalyst

~ Don't ever tell anybody anything. If you do, you start missing everybody. -Holden Caulfield.

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