Thursday, June 5, 2014
Split Personality
Ya, aku introvert. people may say that i'm extrovert, because my circle of friends are loud people. people who talks a lot. so people think i'm loud too. but No.. most of the time i just laugh and respond to what they said. but of course i do talk lahhh..
i like to observe people, and situations before i join in. i don't like crowded places. i'm not shy. i'm good at starting a conversation or making friends. but i prefer a quiet and calm situations.
People might say i'm extrovert. because sometimes i hurt people with my words..hahaha( orang mulut jahat biasanya Extrovert) but NO. that's impulsive. sometimes i react before my brain could think.. haha
Introverts normally will think before voicing out their opinions. i do too. but sometimes i just can't stand annoying people. so i just let what's in head out.. haha.. and people do get hurt.. but some people really deserves it.
According to personality test, aku ni suka benda yang planned. eg: a trip. it must be planned before hand. and it's true! especially shopping trips. i only buy stuff i listed. not in list, no buy. gittuhh..
(aku tak shopping ikut nafsu macam gadis2 lain, apa yg aku target tu je la yg aku beli) aku bukan impulsive shopper.
tapi kadang-kadang aku sangat random.! aku bertindak mengikut nafsu.
i mean like, random trips. there was no plan that day. suddenly i found myself heading to a book store. with some random friends (who doesn't like to read..haha).
there was times that i get dressed and go out. i just get in the train and read books. then i go back without going to any place else.
there was once. i called a friend up on Friday morning. asking if she's free in the weekend. she said yes. then , i just got myself a ticket to kuantan.. that was so randomm.
see..??impulsive right? terfikir nak buat, terus buat.. tak payah rancang..
that is really contradict with my personality which supposed to be organized and well planned.
"Introvert yet impulsive"
Split personality!! walawehh.. split personality! maybe i need a psychiatrist.. LOL!
sila google Extraversion and Introversion, and Impulsivity.. and you'll know what i mean..
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