Tuesday, April 15, 2014

think and don't judge

i see a lot of people express their sadness or vent out their anger on social media.
well i did it too sometimes..
and i see a lot of people judge them.
and, YES. i did judge them too sometimes, which i'm not proud of it.

who are you to judge them? have you been in the same situation? 
have u ever wear their shoes and walk in it? 

OK, u might say "they shouldn't vent it out on Twitter, they can always go to friends and family"

what do you know about them? 
what if they are not lucky enough like you to have friends and family who will always be there for them? 
social media could be their only channel to let their anguish out.

why judge when u can be the one who cast away their pain?
you're not that kind of relationship to do that? 
just say something nice. it could be the best thing happened to them that day.
don't make it harder for them, people!

~be strong and don't despair.. 

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