Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Ching chong Cheng Chong Cheng

Day 2.

U see, I'm the only Malay in the office.
the rest is Chinese.

The thing is, when You're the only Malay there,
 they don't really care to speak in English amongst themselves.
They speak Mandarin.

I'm kinda tired listening to their Ching chong cheng chong cheng and trying to comprehend what they're saying.
my mandarin level is zero, ZERO. YILEK.
Stree mak.
It's not racist la. They're nice people. I understand that they're more comfortable speaking in their mother language.

They Speak English when they need me to understand.
The Thing is, when we're in a group. they're talking to me, (in English) after a few seconds it become Mandarin.. what the???

Penat jugak otak den nak paham.
back when I was in AIESEC, my friends speak chinese a lot too. and after a while hanging out with them, I can catch phrases and understand some stuff.
but everything is a history. I forget everything already.. =_=
So, here i am... Challenging my self TO SPEAK MANDARIN in THREE MONTHS..
it's okay if it's not fluent. As long as I can understand and able to reply.
perghhh.. power betul cita-cita..

I have no time to sentap, because they speak a language I can't understand. It's me who should step out of my comfort zone and be better.

**esok guna internet ofice yang laju utk download Mandarin tutorial.

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