Wednesday, September 25, 2013

and new roommate

hai manusia...

So i got a new roommate on monday...
1st impression = bad..
bagi aku 1st impression tu sangat penting.. sebab aku ni jenis yang "sekali x suka orang tu, susah la aku nak suka dengan dia.."
on the 1st day she came in, she was like in a rush.. tak sempat nak bersalam, apatah lagi bagi berkenalan.. yeah..watever.. maybe she got some important stuff to do.. i have no bad thoughts at that time.. she slept at her friends that night..
the next day she came to kemas her stuff.. at that time i was pretty stress.. trying to finish my lab report.
she came in and make a fuss about changing the room's arrangement.. i was a little reluctant about changing the arrangement. cs i'm afraid that it will make the room lebih sempit, that i have to solat in ruang depan..near my meja study.. sgt tak selesa kot...
then, i agreed to rearrange the room.. sekali tengok, memang lagi sempit bilik tu..
Geram.! dah la aku tengah stress pasal calculation lab report.. kena stop buat report sebab nak angkat almari, katil n stuff.. lepas tu kena solat kat luar pulak.................demm it!
At about 7pm  or something, her friends came.. bising nak mati!! dengan gitar n stuff.. cakap macam nak bagi satu kolej ni dengar..  can't u see that i'm trying to fokus here??
maybe its a bad timing la, sebab datang masa aku tgh buat keje kan.. tapi.. come on.. observe and learn.. tengok keadaan la..
sabar je.. dalam hati.. terjerit-jerit aku nak cakap "calm yo titties bitches"
So that's how my new roommate gets this bad image..
just wait and see.. how long will it takes to get rid of this bad image..


1 comment:

encik kuri said...

sabar... kasi gegar itu roomate