Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Dating Younger Guys

Someone asked my opinion about dating younger guys.
well, i'm all for it. Aku sokong je. as long as he's off legal age. Kalau bawah umur kang orang cakap kau pedophile pulak. haa

There's this kid. he says he likes me. well i'm okay with that. it's his right to like a person, it's not like i can tell him to stop liking me. 
He texted me everyday. aku layan je la sbb aku pun bosan. i made an effort to talk to him... But i'm bored, because he's so bad at keeping the conversation going. aku reply satu ayat dia reply 1 perkataan je. pastu tak pandai cari topik pulak tu.. tsk tsk tsk.. 

andddd  that kid is soooo tak matang. he's too childish. 
Maybe I should wait for him to grow older. so that he's more matured. I am childish. 
aku ni jenis yang orang kena layan aku, bukan aku layan orang. nak layan budak2 memang tak mampu la, aku ni bukan jenis akak2. 

It's not that i can't accept him because he's younger, but i can't accpet him because I see him as a kid. as a little brother. I think he's cute when he's using pick up lines on me. 
i don't want cute kids, i want cool guys. HAHAHAHAHA <demand melampau> 

It's like, it's not compatible when we're both childish. i think it has to be the opposite.. well,  opposite attracts!. 

 My advice to guys who likes older girls. Don't call him kakak or what ever pangilan hormat. because for me, if you call her kakak, that's where you're gonna always be, a younger brother. 
You should call her by name, so that your relationship can grow more. From friends, it might develop into the kind of relationship you want. 

Lastly, when you found someone you want to keep around, you do something about it.

Till then, good bye...

Perghh.. dah jadi relationship counselor pulak.! hahaha


1 comment:

encik kuri said...

oh, whoaaaa.. impresive you nora.
so dont you mind if the man not rich but cool enaough to melt yours heart??